Bass Offshore Wind Energy project one step closer with proposed northern Tasmania offshore wind zone

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5th August 2022

Nexsphere’s Bass Offshore Wind Energy project (BOWE) has today received an important boost following the Federal Government’s announcement of a proposed offshore wind energy zone off northern Tasmania. The Minister for Climate Change and Energy, the Hon Chris Bowen MP, revealed that the government will be embarking on a consultation process to look at the creation of an offshore wind zone in the Bass Strait region, the proposed location of BOWE. The move was welcomed by Tasmanian Minister for Energy and Renewables, Guy Barnett, who confirmed that Bass Strait has been named as one of the top options for offshore wind energy generation in the country by the national Blue Economy Cooperative Research Centre. Mr Barnett confirmed his support for the development of Tasmania’s offshore wind energy, as it complements the Tasmanian Government’s Marinus Link and Battery of the Nation projects, as well as the planned green hydrogen industry to be based in the Bell Bay Advanced Manufacturing Zone. According to Nexsphere CEO Glen Kierse, the announcement is an important next step in the process of delivering a renewable energy solution for Tasmania. “It’s great to see the Federal and State Governments throwing their support behind offshore wind energy, and projects such as BOWE,” said Mr Kierse. “Stage one of the BOWE wind farm will comprise around 70 turbines ‘on the horizon’ in Bass Strait, minimising their visual impact while generating an estimated 1,000 megawatts of renewable energy. “This will be enough to power over 325,000 homes, and will assist in meeting Tasmania’s 200 per cent renewables target by 2040, while also helping transition Australia’s grid to a low carbon future.” Mr Kierse also outlined the expected economic benefits that will be delivered when BOWE comes online. “We’re committed to developing BOWE for the benefit of Tasmania. It will provide enormous long-term employment and investment opportunities and deliver significant growth for the state,” he added. “BOWE will provide a major economic boost to northern Tasmania that includes ongoing construction and operations jobs, a corporate headquarters, research opportunities and marine engineering roles. “Nexsphere will continue to engage with local Tasmanian communities and businesses during the consultation process and then the design, licensing, construction, and operation phases of the BOWE project.”